A Tale of Momentum & Inertia 3DM3 212 Videos Video By 3DM3 The animated short film “Long Live New York”, directed by 2014 Oscar-winner Laurent Witz, aims to ignite a movement in New York. It aims to inspire New Yorkers to step-up to help other New Yorkers, and ultimately ensure New York stays strong. Show more Animationshort filmvideo PREV FILM_FX L3.0 3DM3 November 30, 2014 NEXT SYNC 3DM3 December 7, 2014 You might be interested in IDIOTS 3DM3 December 3, 2013 All of me – short movie 3DM3 November 16, 2008 Animated Short Film “Swing” 3DM3 September 18, 2009 Halo 4 Polynoid 3DM3 December 17, 2012