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ALARM – shortfilm

I’ m Moo-hyun Jang, a director of independent animation team, MESAI Let me introduce the second short animation film, ALARM. This is produced for Festival admission and a test. Hope you like!


Directed by Paul jules ALCHIE, Cyril COSTE, Christofer HENRI, Franck PAGNON and Gaëtan SIMONOT Music by Alexandre SCURI

Oru Burus

Once upon a time, there was a little king who lost control of the sun…

The Boy in the Whale Suit

Daiyu is intrigued by the boy in the whale suit who passes by her flat every day. A solitary creature, Daiyu plays with her toy on her own, until one day, her beloved toy falls out the window. Fearless and unthinking, she finds a way to retrieve her toy, and sees the boy from afar. […]