Interior Lighting with 3DS Max Standard Lights Dave Scotland 5 Videos 3DS MaxTutorials By Dave Scotland Learn how to light an interior scene, using only 3DS Max standard lighting tools. Create a convincing day lit scene with Key, Fill, Ambient and Secondary lights. Setup soft and hard-edged shadows and light colors for added realism. Find more tutorials on Show more Rendering PREV Modeling HTC Desire S in 3DsMax (Part 6/9) 3D-Sphere February 23, 2012 NEXT Modeling Historical Mosque (Part 5/5) Hani Mohammadi February 25, 2012 You might be interested in Making a sake set in Blender 3d (Part1) BLENDERJOURNEY October 16, 2012 Making of Magic Mineral Oliver Villar Diz April 9, 2013 Fury of serenity by Henry Pashkov 3DM3 August 16, 2004 Forest Pack Tutorial: Modern Barn, Part 1 – Creating the sunflowers and trees Itoo Sowtware September 12, 2012
Forest Pack Tutorial: Modern Barn, Part 1 – Creating the sunflowers and trees Itoo Sowtware September 12, 2012