HomeTutorials Cinema 4D Tutorial "Basic "coin spin" rig in Cinema 4D" Tutorial “Basic “coin spin” rig in Cinema 4D” Cinema 4D By krotMonster Tutorial “Basic “coin spin” rig in Cinema 4D” by krotMonster PREV Doug ‘n’ Dog 3DM3 November 24, 2013 NEXT Tutorial “Creating a Greek corner through Blender (Part 2 of 2) Umberto Oldani November 26, 2013 About The Author krotMonster You might be interested in Tutorial “Hair Farm Eyelashes” Brunet Nicolas October 5, 2013 “Car Accident” slow Motion Dynamics cinema4dtutorial April 8, 2012 Video Tutorial: build your own TRON light cycle Part 2 cinema4dtutorial May 10, 2012 Damage a Truck in Cinema 4D and Composite it in After Effects (Part 1) Mograph Candy December 8, 2013
NEXT Tutorial “Creating a Greek corner through Blender (Part 2 of 2) Umberto Oldani November 26, 2013
Damage a Truck in Cinema 4D and Composite it in After Effects (Part 1) Mograph Candy December 8, 2013