Creating seamless texture Hani Mohammadi 20 Videos PhotoshopTutorials By Hani Mohammadi In this video tutorial i will show you how to use Adobe Photoshop to create a seamless and tileable texture. Seamless texture is useful for Game and even 3d productions. You can use them in 2d graphics as well too. Show more Effects PREV Fumefx Explosion Tutorial Toufik Mekbel June 12, 2011 NEXT 3D Character Rigging – Setting Up The Skeleton (Part 4-4) Dennis Jensen June 17, 2011 You might be interested in 10 Most Common Errors in 3DS MAX 3DM3 June 5, 2014 “Dr Julian’s Texturing Tutorial” by Julian Jeremy Johnson-Mortimer 3DM3 August 1, 2003 Tumbler Batmobile Modeling cinema4dtutorial November 6, 2013 Class 3 : Vray Light Material Hani Mohammadi July 31, 2012