Digital Painting- Portrait Study: Masai Cam Sykes 9 Videos PhotoshopTutorials By Cam Sykes Here’s a video showing the process of doing a digital painting from photo reference. It’s not totally accurate but should give you a pretty good demonstration of the process and technique. Show more digital painting PREV Day-Night Earth Globe – Part 2 Dave Scotland February 14, 2012 NEXT Modeling HTC Desire S in 3DsMax (Part 5/9) 3D-Sphere February 16, 2012 You might be interested in Tutorial ‘Creating A VFX Rainy scene in Photoshop & After Effects” Mustapha FERSAOUI November 10, 2013 Digital Painting “Resistance” BroadenHorizons September 14, 2013 Using Photoshop CS4’s 3d tools to overpaint seams Andrew Klein November 22, 2012 Make a ceramic tale 3DM3 October 6, 2003
Tutorial ‘Creating A VFX Rainy scene in Photoshop & After Effects” Mustapha FERSAOUI November 10, 2013