A Tale of Momentum & Inertia 3DM3 212 Videos Video By 3DM3 The animated short film “Long Live New York”, directed by 2014 Oscar-winner Laurent Witz, aims to ignite a movement in New York. It aims to inspire New Yorkers to step-up to help other New Yorkers, and ultimately ensure New York stays strong. Show more Animationshort filmvideo PREV FILM_FX L3.0 3DM3 November 30, 2014 NEXT SYNC 3DM3 December 7, 2014 You might be interested in End of the Line 3DM3 January 11, 2015 La Main des Maîtres 3DM3 November 5, 2008 Joe Little Drop 3DM3 August 11, 2010 Cat’s Meow 3DM3 May 3, 2009