Making of Hope

The full title could be “There is still hope left” It was my vision of an apocalyptic world on the edge of destruction, but still with some beauty and life in it. Something like … life will find its way I guess

Step 1

Before I start let me just add how I had no idea what to draw – I just felt like drawing, so there is no big plan in the beginning how it all should look at the end.
Simple quick sketch with basic brush. I rarely do any detales at this point.

Step 2

Since I dedided it will be a darker image colored the background to something dark also did some basic shading just to get the feeling what I’m going for.

A bit of detiles …

More shading …

Step 3

Adding color in new layer on top of back and white image. Simply note if you are doing anything serious its too early to add color, but like I said I had no idea what I was going for and wanted to find that out as soon as posible + I love coloring thats why I rush it always.

More then coloring I like highlighting :)

Step 4

Ok so it will be some sort of angel, I made canvas abit bigger for her to fit more into the middle of the picture. It kind of looks better …

Same thing again. Altho my 1st idea was more like a portrait … I do this very often start like a simple drawing then expand it alot till the end.

Step 5

Since Im sort of happy with global idea I have here – decided to finaly go on the details.

Details … Also notice how I changed the coloring of the face abit – since the light will come from right I decided to put it more yellow like …

Expanding canvas abit more …

Step 6

Time to get some global idea of background – like I said I have no idea what Im going for so just playing around ..

Decided not to go on abstract one, scenery seemed abit better …

Working abit more on the scenery …

Thought of finishing it like this (after polishing it abit of corse) …

Step 7

Something was missing – quick sketch of hand and rose … also polished the rest of the picture abit …

Drawing rose …

Step 8

Changing the lightning cause I loved how in the beginning there was a blue and orange side of the picture, think it makes the picture more interesting …

Adding more shadow/light in the background – this is soo much better.
Only hand and ruins left to do …

Step 9

Drawing hand – I decided to focus more on lightning and shape then on actual drawing of it (since it is in the dark)…

Details and polishing …

Expanding canvas abit more …

Step 10

Finishing – fixing the “messy” parts, highlights and details that needed to be fixed.

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