Digital Watercolor with Mypaint 0.9 and Gimp-painter David Revoy 2 Videos PainterTutorials By David Revoy In this video you will see my techniques to do a watercolor with only open-source softwares on a Linux system.The theme of the illustration is Sintel and Scale , the heros of the movie ‘Sintel’ were I was the art director. Show more digital painring PREV Modeling HTC Desire S in 3DsMax (Part 4/9) 3D-Sphere February 13, 2012 NEXT Day-Night Earth Globe – Part 2 Dave Scotland February 14, 2012 You might be interested in Tutorial “Rigging a Skeleton with Hinge and Ball & Socket Connectors” Mograph Candy November 13, 2013 Making of “Voodoo Doll” (part 4/6) Adam Duff October 16, 2012 Texturing a Head Using Photoshop CS4’s 3d tools (Part 1) Andrew Klein October 11, 2012 Maya Cloth tutorial 3DM3 March 9, 2006
Tutorial “Rigging a Skeleton with Hinge and Ball & Socket Connectors” Mograph Candy November 13, 2013