UV Mapping A Head Jeremy Parrish 3 Videos MayaTutorials By Jeremy Parrish This video demonstrates the use of Maya’s UV editing tools, specifically the Smooth UVs Tool, to organize and flatten the UVs of a head. Show more UVs tools PREV Maya Modeling Basics:Toy (Part 3) Andrew Klein January 22, 2013 NEXT Rotating Wheel with SetDriven Key Arvid Schneider January 24, 2013 You might be interested in Tutorial “VRayDirt” VRayGuide March 19, 2012 Tutorial “Cinema 4d to After Effects” Marco Holland July 14, 2013 Tutorial “Drawing spaceship from sketch” Alexey Kharitonov November 7, 2013 Fumefx Explosion Tutorial Toufik Mekbel June 12, 2011