Interview with Alexandr Sharovsky
We have interviewed the winner of competition “The Best work of month February – March 2004”, which passed on our site. Alexander has told a little about yourself and about work which has won first place!
Interview with Alexandr ‘SHAR’ Sharovsky
May 10, 2003 | Stryker
Please, presented yourself!
My name is Sharovsky Alexander. I am from Russia. 34 years old.
Tell a little about yourself and where do you work now, etc.
I am engaged 3D graphics two years. Basically it is architectural visualization on a speciality the designer of interiors. I constantly work with interesting people in sphere of design in the free schedule.
What kind of methods of rendering you used to achieve such realistic?
In work I use external render global illumination VRay. I think it actual for today as I accept quality and a variety of options and time rendering.
Where you took textures or you made yourself?
Structures from the collection, the some one scan from magazines, something I make in the Photoshop, and it happens that I search it in the Internet. Models I create basically myself.
How many light sources in the scene?
In the scene used three light sources: two window apertures (VRay) and one standard max behind a window (direct).
How long time did you made this work and whether there is such room actually?
This work commercial which I have made during one day. This drawing room is one of the Moscow apartments. Option of light has occupied some hours and certainly I want to note the important detail the end result is influenced very much with mood. Probably during this moment it at me was good about what your comments and an assessment of works speak. I am very glad, that on results of your voting work has taken a prestigious place in spite of the fact that very strong and different works participated in competition!
Your plans for the future?
In my plans to work both once again to work and certainly to work qualitatively!!! Once again I want all to thank for active participation in an estimation of my work and, certainly, I am glad to new friends from all over the world!!!
Thanks for interesting conversation!
Thanks the admin of the site!!! I wish all patience and fast rendering!!!
Yours faithfully SHAR!
Copyright © Alexandr ‘SHAR’ Sharovsky & Stryker