Interview with JJ
Read this interview with this spectacular 2d-3d artist from Spain.
Interview with JJ
08 January 2003 | Stryker
Can you please introduce yourself?
JJ: Hi, my name is JJ and I´m a 2d-3d artist from Spain.
How did it all begin for you?
JJ: Well, it started when I was studying. I bought my first PC while studying psychology. My interest for 3d started as soon as I could get the program. I started wit 3d Studio 4. When I finished the graduate I noticed that I wouldlike to work in the 3d universe. I´ve not studied art or some like that. I allways like to draw but I never had time enought to attend art class. I started buying books concerning 3D and spending most of time in testing all I was learning.
JJ: Well, I started about 5 years ago.
What are you working now? Tell a little bit about it.
JJ: I´m working at Pyro Studios. I´m currentlly the lead artist of PRAETORIANS. It´s an RTS game based on the roman´s empire battles. We´ll finish the game soon. It has been a hard work. I heve been in Praetorians since the begining of the project. Video game work is very different to high quality artwork. I allways liked to work in such differents works. Video game art work is a work full of rectrictions of varied kind. Number of polys, texture size, animation speed or duration. It´s a good job anyway. The par I like most is the begining, just when you´ve to define a esthetic. It´s a very varied work. I like it so.
What kind of computer do you use?
JJ: I use a P4. I´m planning get and new computer but…
What are your primary 3D packages and why do you choose to use them?
JJ: I work with 3d Studio MAX 4.2. I´ve tried another packages but by the momment this is my favorite. Surely it´s because this soft Is wich I´ve used more. Sometimes I try use Maya and some other soft. I also use any kind of render engine. I think it has been the last year revolution. (Brazil, Final Render, V-Ray)
What method did you use to model this characters and robots?
JJ: I allways use edit poly + meshsmooth for my models. I´ve tried patch or nurmbs but no one let me control the results like hand model do. You need a special atention to details and concret forms. I think poly modelling is the right way.
When you create any model from StarWars where you take blueprints or you draw it them self? Describe process.
JJ: When I start a new model of this kind first I do is goin the web and get all the info and pics that I can. As all you know, SW universe has tons of stuff. Mosto of times that´s not enought so I take a look for some toys really well done. I´m currentlly working for SciFi3D (http://scifi3d.theforce.net/). They provide me any kind of stuff that I´m unnable to get by myself.
Why these models from StarWars (yoda, vader and others)?
JJ: I allways liked SW so when I thought what could I do I choose SW stuff. It´s a question of taste. I have to say that I´m a bit bored. It´s true that I make this models because I like but it´s also true that people don´t value this kind of job. People use to say "oh look, another Boba Fett". It is not original work indeed. It´s good alternate with other kind of work. Many people make cars, planes, etc. I make real world models in my Office hours so I consider It like a scape. Anyway I make any kind of things like you can see in my website (cars, cartoons, real test…). I have to say that I´m a bit bored. It´s true that I make this models because I like but it´s also true that people don´t value this kind of job. People use to say "oh look, another Boba Fett". It is not original work indeed. It´s good alternate with other kind of work.
How long did it take you to model?
JJ: It depends of the model but usually It takes to me about one week. I allways make time plans for making my models because I don´t want to spend too much time in each model. You can get bored of a model if you don´t finish it in the right time. It takes me about one week including mesh and texture.
How did you get the realistic look?
JJ: I use all the means at my reach to get a good image. I´ve been lighting and modeling for several years. As I said I think the GI engines has come to riot the 3d work. A good combo of all these factors and hours of work make it possible. It´s a good think to stablish a goal (just like a mental pic of the result). Don´t sleep till toy have got it :)
Can you also recommend some good renders?
JJ: I started with FINAL RENDER. I think It Fianl RENDER has an intuitive interface. Actually I use Brazil. I Think Brazil gives more quality but V-ray get more speed. Since I´m not the kind of person who render each detail when it´s developed I preffer Brazil in spite of speed. I Know Arnold will be available soon. Can´t wait to get it!
Can you give away one of your secrets to success?
JJ: Ehh, perseverance and have a eye for the detail. This could mark the difference. If you´re asking me for general matterslookaround till you found some you think is great.Then specialize. No one can do all and do it well.
Question about your plans in the New 2003 Year, what you think?
JJ: By the momment I want to finish PAETORIANS. I,ll continue working with all my projects. I´ll like spend more time this year in a short movie called Dr Vela. It´s a cartoon look project In wich an animator and me are working on. Hope you can see some stuff soon!!
Thank for talking and Merry Christmas!
– Stryker
JJ: Thanks!