Interview with Juan Siquier
We have taken interview at professional 3D and 2D designer. He tells a little bit about himself and his methods of work in CG.
Interview with Juan Siquier
27 September 2002 | Stryker
We have taken interview at professional 3D and 2D designer. He tells a little bit about himself and his methods of work in CG.
3DM: Please, tell us a bit about yourself!
Juan: My name is Juan Siquier, I live in Albacete (Spain), I am married, I have a daughter and my work is to design websites. I am devoted at the 3DArt for pleasure.
3DM: How did you started being a 3D and 2D designer?
Juan: I met the 3D when I was a painter and I began around 1996 with 3DStudio R2, then I had a long pause season and I recaptured the linking at the 3D in 2000 coinciding with my entrance in Internet.
3DM: What or who was your inspiration when you first started?
Juan: It was interested me a lot the
comic, especially Jean Guiraud "Moebius", the surrealists as
Giorgio de Chirico and the music of Viny Reilly or Cocteau Twins my first
contact with the 3DArt was for the 3DWorld magazine and some images of
Sthalberg, then it interested me a lot the art of Savinoff and P. Blanché
3DM: Lets talk about some of your work.
3DM: Where did you get the idea to create this scene?
Juan: The Slope is a real place in my
wife’s town, one day going for a walk over there saw the place, I photographed
it and later on, revising pictures convinced me for a scene 3d.
3DM: What methods did you use to render this scene?
Juan: I used a public beta of VRay render
engine (it is great!)
3DM: How did you create the maps, what programs?
Juan: The maps I captured in the place
with a Nikon Coolpix 775, later I made it seamless in Photoshop, and the
grafittis I drew it by hand free with a brush of Photoshop.
3DM: How much lights did you use? And how did you get the realistic
Juan: Just one light and the VRay global
Illumination system was activated.
3DM: How long you create this work?
Juan: About one week!
3DM: What your favorites web-sites (3DM excluded :)))?
Juan: 3DM, 3DM… and 3DM, also raph.com,
3DTotal, www.3d-ring.com,
www.stardom.fr (moebius
website) etc…
3DM: Thanks for the interview Juan!
– Stryker
Juan: Thanks to you, it has been a pleasure!