Making of Animadanse

“Animadanse” is a movie graduation from Julien Badoil, Bertrand Debecque and Larson Liberlin de Shoriba Diop made in Paris, France.

Animadanse” is a movie graduation from Julien Badoil, Bertrand Debecque and Larson Liberlin de Shoriba Diop made in Paris, France.

Story of the film is written by the three directors from a concept ofdance performance, conceived by Larson: to create a bridge between the live performance and the animation. Two worldsrepresented by the two protagonists of the film and whose tradetranslate all the similarities and possible interactions between thesetwo artistic fields.

It’s a short movie of 5mn40 based on dance, mixing live action and 3d animation.

“In a theater, a sweeper dream of dancing in front of a public. He met a character who will offer him this opportunity.”

The whole project take about one and a half year to become a reality:

– 6 month of Pre-Production: script, storyboard, animatic 2D, concept design, etc…
– 1 year of Production: animatic 3D, modeling, texturing, animating, ligthing, etc…

We come from European School Of Animation (EESA), in Paris, and the team is:

Julien Badoil (concept design, modeling, texturing, shading, animation)
Bertrand de Becque (modeling, animation, ligthing, rendering, compositing)
Larson Liberlin de Shoriba Diop (setup, animation)

Alexandre Santos
Fabrice Allard

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We shot all in a theater near our school, “Le Centre Culturel Aragon-Triolet”, during 15 days, sharing taskbetween us except for the lighting of the scene, base on our designcolor, made by three men of the theater.

Allanimation is keyframed, we spent a lot of time analysing dancereferences videos of Larson and hip-hop dancers. We wanted the dancerto be able to squash, stretch and twist a lot, so Larson made a setupbased on “ribbons” techniques, and also for the CG world maincharacter’s “excrescences”, able to switch between guitar bass, boomersor turntables.

Modeled with Maya
Animation – Maya
Rendering – Mental Ray
Compositing – Fusion…adanse_creation

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It was a great experience and i hope you enjoy the movie as much as us to made it ! Don’t hesitate to leave us a comment on

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