Making of Yin Yang of World Hunger I created this personal artwork in September with the following text: “Enough food is produced in the world today to feed everyone David Revoy 0
Digital Painting Tutorial in Photoshop A digital painting of a walled garden in Spring time. Slurpy Studios Animation 0
The Art Of Miro Petrov Check The Art of Miro – it’s a visual collection of monstrous ideas, hilarious concepts and different art styles from the artist Miroslav Petrov. Miroslav Petrov 0
30 Sci-fi Digital Paintings A collection of 30 digital paintings of Sci-fi world will help to enrich your imagination Marina 0
Speedpainting “Diablo 3 Demon Hunter” What attracts me to the character is that the dark mysterious vibe. idrawgirls 0
Making of “Mario & Luigi” Here you’ll find the commented making of for the Mario & Luigi’s picture I created, from zero to the final image. Gustavo Rodrigues 0
Making of Leticia At the request of a friend who was admiring my work in a social network, came the work of paint her daughters Ney Lisboa 0
Making of “Beyond the Path” This is a painting process of Amit Sadik’s image “Beoynd the Path” Amit Sadik 0
Making of Gypsy Dancer Part 1 Sketching a character – Gypsy Dancer. Part 1 of 2. With commentary but you probably best just turn down the volume and put on some tunes. Actual Time: 2 Hours Cam Sykes 0
Making of: Victorian Street Concept 3d paint-over In this making-of I’ll be showing you how I used 3ds max & Photoshop to create a 3d/paint-over concept piece… Andy Walsh 0