Painting Weights In this tutorial we look at how to paint weights in Maya, it is useful if you are rigging organic models. Dennis Jensen 0
Particle Flow Toolbox#2: Feather Rig Tutorial In this video tutorial Anselm von Seherr-Thoss describes the process of feather rigging using the PFlow Toolbox#2. Anselm von Seherr - Thoß 0
Posing Characters in Zbrush using a Zsphere Rig This video shows you how to use Transpose Master in Zbrush 4.0, to create a simple rig for posing your character. Andrew Klein 0
Rigging cartoon eyes in blender Today we take a look at rigging eyes in blender, focusing on a cartoon style. Alex Telford 0
Tutorial “Adding a Rig to a Simple Model and Constraining Knee and Elbow Joints” A very simple rig but it does introduce the concept of control bones. Ian Scott 0
Tutorial “Intro to Rigging in Blender” In this tutorial we see how to use armatures, how to add bones, add constraints Oliver Villar Diz 0
Tutorial “Rigging a Skeleton with Hinge and Ball & Socket Connectors” In this Cinema 4D tutorial, we rig a skeleton with connectors and dynamics to make a dangling skeleton Mograph Candy 0