Modeling a Classic Wooden Table in 3dsmax (Part 1/6) Hani Mohammadi 20 Videos 3DS MaxTutorials By Hani Mohammadi In this tutorial you will learn how to model a detailed classic wooden table Show more Modeling PREV Creating Bouncing Balls Using Particles and Physics Ian Scott October 27, 2012 NEXT Simple Way to Position Objects Along Curve Arvid Schneider October 30, 2012 You might be interested in Tutorial “Next Gen Vechicle Creation” Valentin Nadolu September 6, 2011 3D Car Polygon Modeling Tutorial Part 2 Ali Ismail May 24, 2017 Time-lapse Painting “Mother of Dragons” Stefan Eriksson October 6, 2013 Tutorial “How to set up HDRI lighting in 3DS Max 2014 with Vray” Johannes Tiner December 17, 2013