Modeling Pisa Tower Hani Mohammadi 20 Videos 3DS MaxTutorials By Hani Mohammadi In this tutorial you will learn how to do modeling of Pisa tower in Italy. Show more Modeling PREV Autoweight in 3ds Max Mirko Haenssgen March 5, 2012 NEXT Speedpainting “Diablo 3 Demon Hunter” idrawgirls March 9, 2012 You might be interested in How create a simple crowd 3DM3 April 12, 2005 Photoshop Tutorial: How to color a sketch Mario Malagrino August 28, 2011 Speedpainting “José Mourinho” Sergio Fenoy May 20, 2013 3D Character Rigging – The Spine: Constraining(Part 4-4) Dennis Jensen October 4, 2011