HomeTutorials 3DS Max Urban Context--Evening Rendering Tutorial Urban Context–Evening Rendering Tutorial 3DS Max By Crystal Russell This tutorial shows rendering for an evening scene in a simple urban context. Rendering PREV Creating customised IES web lights for V-Ray or mental ray Jamie Cordaso March 12, 2013 NEXT Making of Maniche Caricature Andre Figueiredo March 15, 2013 About The Author Crystal Russell You might be interested in Fumefx Explosion Tutorial Toufik Mekbel June 12, 2011 Creating a Low poly City Hani Mohammadi January 12, 2012 Tutorial “Creating Bendy Bling Text in 3DS Max 2014” Johannes Tiner November 27, 2013 Snowy Rock Tutorial Dimitar Tzvetanov July 25, 2011