Waterfall Tutorial with 3DS Max Boris Raguza 7 Videos 3DS MaxTutorials By Boris Raguza Today we will create a waterfall with Particle Flow, Fumefx Show more FumefxParticle Flow PREV Making of “Audrey Tautou’s Caricature” Alexander Novoseltsev October 8, 2012 NEXT How to draw a Portrait (Face) Stephanie Valentin October 10, 2012 You might be interested in A Realistic Lighting Rig by Andy Nicholas 3DM3 July 6, 2003 Mirror Blendshapes in Maya Alex Telford April 13, 2012 Coke can 3DM3 June 22, 2001 Making of Monk Rhapsody Carlo Incandela June 6, 2011