3D Character Models

Video time-lapse – lezard

Timelapse Lezard, video about my usage of the chaos in artTime-lapse of a full digital painting illustration with Mypaint / Alchemy and Gimp on Linux. ( only free and open-source application compatible with other system too ; ex : Windows ).
It was recorded in august 2009 as a technology demo for the 2D open source industry, done with Blender Video sequence editor as well as VLC/Mencoder and (gtk)Recordmydesktop.

Information and link about the softwares :
Alchemy : http://al.chemy.org/download/
Mypaint : http://mypaint.intilinux.com/?page_id=6
Gimp : http://gimp.org/downloads
gimp-for-painter : “>http://fr.sourceforge.jp/projects/gimp-painter/releases/?package_id=6799 >
Gimp Paint Studio : http://code.google.com/p/gps-gimp-paint-studio/downloads/list
Linux Mint : http://linuxmint.com/download.php

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