Digital Painting Terminology Cam Sykes 9 Videos PhotoshopTutorials By Cam Sykes This is a pretty long but informative tutorial video. I explain a lot of different terms related to Digital Painting as well as demonstrating them in their practical applications. Show more digital painting PREV Modeling HTC Desire S in 3DsMax (Part 9/9) 3D-Sphere March 24, 2012 NEXT Digital Painting tutorial Speedpainting Mecha Gaiking idrawgirls March 29, 2012 You might be interested in Reactor Wheel Tutorial By Aziz Khan 3DM3 May 29, 2006 Making of cafe by Tiziano Fioriti 3DM3 April 20, 2001 Making of Green Stars by Bea González Bea Gonzalez May 12, 2013 Making a image look evil 3DM3 April 11, 2005