Anselm von Seherr - Thoß

I am a Visual Effects Technical Director with emphasis on particle based effects as well as Fluid Simulations, Shading and Post Production. I worked on movies like James Cameron's "Avatar", G.I. Joe-Rise of Cobra, The A-Team, Ridley Scott's "Robin Hood", Priest, SuckerPunch, Dragonball: Evolution, Tree of Life, Clash of the Titans, Niko & The Way to the Stars as well as numerous commercials and music videos. I consulted vfx on movies like "Gulliver's Travel", "Skyline", "Loewenzahn" and "Day of the Race(2011)". Companies i work(ed) for: Incendii VFX, Prime Focus VFX/Frantic Films VFX, Pixomondo Images, Spy Post VFX, HydraulX, Encore Hollywood, IXOR 3D, Turbo Squid Inc., Animationsfabrik GmbH, Black Mountain VFX, Parasol Island, Luxx Studios, Pictorion Magma Animation/Das Werk, ACHT Frankfurt, Factory VFX, SoulPix, Mackevision GmbH / Gallery of Media Munich, Animaholics, editHouse/Sweden, Stoll von Gati Mediengruppe, Blowfish FX/Tripwire Visionworks, The White Studios, Homebase², HPSC

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