Creation a fire in MAX2 by using a particles
Advantages: when using this procedure you will be able to fire all that you want, including animation figure of people, trees and etc. Fire is involve with moving an object and its possible mutate.
Material: you will take a package 3dsmaxr2 and little patiences when working on the slow computer.
Part 1: adjustment a scene. Presently you are to decide that exactly you are going to to subburn. In this managament will be consider simply sphere, but all same possible do with any object, including with the body, modified by physics.
1. Create sphere with radius 10-20
2. Create an array of particles and fix a sphere as a source.
Part 2: selecting the parameters of particles
1. For generations of particles choose use rate and fix value 60-100
2. In the point motion install velocity in 0.
3. In the point timing values are fix depending on your need and lengths of roller.
4. Install Emit stop equal length of roller (100)
5. Install Life equal 20.
6. size:4 , grow for:Part 3: type of particles
As far as this corresponds to problems for faster rendering choose constant.
Now add a wind in the manner of the wave, and see, as it will act on particles. Create a wave reduce upwards toward the sphere and array of particles.
1. Fasten an array of particles to winds and install for it following parameters: strength:0.5 turbulence:2.2 frequency:1.3 scale:3.
2. Press a right button of mice on Parry>parameters>image motion blur and install Image Multiplier equal 6, certify herewith, that it is choose. Install an object channel G- a buffer equal 1.
Part 4: texture and material
Install mapping on time and create for fire new material:
1. Open editor of material and create blinn type material with following installation: self illumination:55, Opacity:90
2. Choose a gradient card for diffuse type: color#1: red, colour #2: orange, color#3: shone-blue. Fix a position of second colour equal 0.08.
3. In point of extended parameters of material choose falloff>out :10020 , fade for:50
Use created material to the array of particles.
Part 5: Video Post
Choose add scene event (choose perspective) and add an event image filter. Fix a filter lenz effects glow.
1. Choose the following installation: in preference fix a size 5 and intensity 50. Press OK and will be bring back into video post, define a name of output file and save a roller as avi or flc.
Part 6: rendering
Press execute (running person). Choose a sequence of personnel (frames) (here this will 1-100). Choose a size of expressing (for the greater velocity will take 320×240).: rendering
That is all! Result must look as on the drawing. As far as array of particles can have as a source any object. Described technology allows easy to fire objects of any difficulty.
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