Making of Light House
I want tell about why I choose to do this model. Firstly there is a wonderful atmosphere and it shows part of my life.
Concept:I want tell about why I choose to do this model. Firstly there is a wonderfull atmosphere and it shows part of my life.
Let’s beginl. Modelling the Light House:At the begining I put camera on the scene,because I feel free at perspective when I modelling at the scene. After that I put a box then I started with editable poly tools for modelling structure. After that I modelled Windows use same way at structure. Then I did flor deforming,i used editable poly and paint deformation tools for it. I did grass for floor and I used vray fur for it.Vray fur is a great tool for creating grass.It is fast and easy for do that. It is done generally. |
Texturing:For texturing I downloaded textures from http://www.cgtextures.com. I used unwrap for texturing and edit with photoshop by layer and brushes. Rendering:I used vray for rendering.
Render took about 20 minutes. |
Compositing:After the render I converted the files to rla with alpha channel then saved it. Next I found images for background, fog and birds. Fusion is a great program and has got strong tools so I used for that at my scene. Conclusion:I really enjoy when I doing this scene,texturing and rendering.Because of the atmosphere of scene gives me desolation. I didnt have any important problems when I doing scene. Just test render took alot of time:)) Altogether I believe, I did good scene. I hope I can do and share with you ‘new making of’ with my next scene. Best Regards. Related links: |