3dsmax model: tortuga chair – quickly Training 3ds max 2 Videos 3DS MaxTutorials By Training 3ds max This is tortuga chair model – basic technique, very easy I hope you like it. Show more Chairtortuga PREV Houdini opencl SPH solver mengtaiqi March 2, 2017 NEXT Polygon to Xgen Tutorial (Eng/Esp) Rick Villafuerte March 3, 2017 You might be interested in Making of “TheMeeting” Markus Lovadina February 16, 2012 Tutorial of the Florence Design Academy- Chair Modeling Tutorial (Spline technique) Mario Malagrino September 9, 2011 Tutorial “Cinema 4d to After Effects” Marco Holland July 14, 2013 Modeling HTC Desire S in 3DsMax (Part 8/9) 3D-Sphere March 15, 2012
Tutorial of the Florence Design Academy- Chair Modeling Tutorial (Spline technique) Mario Malagrino September 9, 2011