HomeTutorials Blender Modeling a Slinky Modeling a Slinky Blender By Craig Forster A tutorial on modeling a slinky in blender 2.67 using a nurbs curve and posing the slinky with a path curve. Modeling PREV Tutorial “Cinema 4d to After Effects” Marco Holland July 14, 2013 NEXT Tutorial “Creating a screw in Blender 3D 2.6” FasterTutorials July 16, 2013 About The Author Craig Forster You might be interested in Realistic Camera Movement in Blender Alex Telford December 29, 2011 Creating Old Film Effects Oliver Villar Diz September 2, 2013 Tutorial “Creating a Greek corner through Blender (Part 2 of 2) Umberto Oldani November 26, 2013 Normal mapping Mostafa Hassan January 26, 2012