HomeTutorials Blender Modeling a Slinky Modeling a Slinky Blender By Craig Forster A tutorial on modeling a slinky in blender 2.67 using a nurbs curve and posing the slinky with a path curve. Modeling PREV Tutorial “Cinema 4d to After Effects” Marco Holland July 14, 2013 NEXT Tutorial “Creating a screw in Blender 3D 2.6” FasterTutorials July 16, 2013 About The Author Craig Forster You might be interested in Tutorial “Creating a screw in Blender 3D 2.6” FasterTutorials July 16, 2013 Tileable Textures in Blender Oliver Villar Diz December 21, 2012 Tutorial “Creating a Greek corner through Blender (Part 1 of 2) Umberto Oldani November 18, 2013 Blender Script – Apply scale to linked duplicates and other problem objects CG Masters March 20, 2017
Blender Script – Apply scale to linked duplicates and other problem objects CG Masters March 20, 2017