Rigging cartoon eyes in blender Alex Telford 12 Videos BlenderTutorials By Alex Telford Today we take a look at rigging eyes in blender, focusing on a cartoon style. Show more rigging PREV Modeling Historical Mosque(Part 1/5) Hani Mohammadi January 15, 2012 NEXT VRayWireColor as Black & White MASK VRayGuide January 17, 2012 You might be interested in Making of Annalyn Marina May 25, 2011 Displacement & Uvs Sculpting – Create an Alien Spaceship Oliver Villar Diz January 8, 2013 Zbrush, Hard surface Zmodeler, Modeling 3D robot mech (PART1) DJoN TuK March 9, 2017 Tutorial “Creating Growing Atom with MoGraph” Stephen Turcotte April 16, 2013