Maya Modeling Basics: NURBS Bishop, part 3 Andrew Klein 32 Videos MayaTutorials By Andrew Klein In video 3 of this 5 part series, Andrew Klein covers how to create curves with the ARC curve tool, the Pencil Curve tool, and the EP Curve tool. By taking this curve and revolving it, the stem of the bishop is created. The Art Institute of California — San Francisco Show more Modeling PREV Class 3 : Vray Light Material Hani Mohammadi July 31, 2012 NEXT Pitt Shattered Soul – speed-paint Geoffroy Thoorens August 9, 2012 You might be interested in Creating an Old Farm Daniel Vijoi August 11, 2011 Movement of the automobile on a line 3DM3 January 8, 2001 VIDEO TUTORIAL: Baking ZBrush Materials to a Texture Map 3DM3 June 23, 2009 Clock tutorial by Oellas 3DM3 October 3, 2001