Mirror Blendshapes in Maya Alex Telford 12 Videos MayaTutorials By Alex Telford In this tutorial we take a look at how to mirror blend shapes in Maya using some really easy techniques. Instead of over complicating things by using wrap deformers, the process can be simplified by using instancing and weight painting! Show more Rendering PREV Head Modelling (1/2) Dennis Jensen April 12, 2012 NEXT Modeling Interior Lamps in 3DsMax (Part 2/4) 3D-Sphere April 17, 2012 You might be interested in Modeling a Soda Can 3DM3 May 20, 2005 Creating a glade using Grass-O-Matic Plugin 3DM3 December 8, 2003 Creating A New World by Henry Pashkov 3DM3 March 18, 2005 3D Modeling Artifacts / Flow Check Reflection Map Tutorial Ali Ismail June 7, 2017