Creating and Aligning Image Planes in Maya Andrew Klein 32 Videos MayaTutorials By Andrew Klein In this video Maya 3D instructor Andrew covers how to use Photoshop and Maya together to create, align, and sync image planes properly. The Art Institute of California — San Francisco Show more Modeling PREV Rock Painting Tutorial Markus Lovadina January 27, 2012 NEXT Modeling HTC Desire S in 3DsMax (Part 3/9) 3D-Sphere January 30, 2012 You might be interested in Modelling of cast disc 3DM3 June 29, 2001 Creating A New World by Henry Pashkov 3DM3 March 18, 2005 The Great Conjunction – Speed Art (Zbrush and Photoshop) Oscargrafias April 21, 2017 Tutorial “Creating Heartbeat in Cinema 4D” Stectoons November 3, 2013