The Making of Beanpod blooming

And I imaged the girl was dancing when she looked back to the camera. This is the pose what I imagined.


There should be much detail in the eyelid and eyelash. Eastern girl always has soft eyelash, especially the eyelash below. So I chose transparency map for eyelash below, because transparency map faking fur looks more soft. And I chose the hairfx for the eyelash up because it should look more hard.

You can see below, the eyelash up looks more hard, and the eyelash below looks more soft,that’s the distinguish between transparency map and hairfx for eyelash.

For the model of the eyeball I prefer double-deck model,you can see the difference between double-deck model and only one model with textures for eyeballs.


Then I started textured this girl.

Textures are the most important factor to the final realistic girl, there’re many high resolution human photos and textures on this website .I select a girl’s photos from it for my girl’s skin .

These are the textures that composed with the photos above in PS.


I use mental ray fast skin sss for the girl’s skin shading, The shading network is on the picture below.I used almost the default setting of fast skin sss. But I still create some delicate effects to it such as colormap will turn to gray on the edge. And the bump value will turn to a high value on the part facing the strong light. Facing ratio also can creates a fake fuzz effect.


Hair is also important to a realistic character. I chose this hair style for the girl:

Click here to view big image

About how to create this hair style you can see the tutorial Maya Hair : hair with history by Mike Fudge. So this is the hair style I created in maya:


Then,I’ll show you what I lighting this girl:


Next I’ll render all of them. But I encounter a really involved problem: out of memory : (Because hair rendering for mental ray has a really tremendous workload. My memory is 1G, too low to endure this. By all appearances I should divide them to passes.

To pick up the shadow of hair without hair displaying, here’s a useful method, convert hairfx to a low poly then assign a full transparent lambert to it, and connect a mib_shadow_transparency node to the mental ray shadow slot of ShadingEngine

Click here to view big image

Then here we’ll get a image rendered only without hair display.


Everything prepared, Let’s compose the final image in PS: )

That’s all, To my depression, my “bean” looks just a bit older than what I imagined, but I still hope you like her and my tutorial, Thank you all here and thanks to the” ” for giving me such great girls’s textures: )

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