Tutorial “Rendering Passes out of Maya – Depth of Field” Miles Och 1 Videos MayaTutorials By Miles Och I explain how to render out passes using mental rays pass contribution maps.This is my first ever tutorial. Hope it helps! Show more Rendering PREV Tutorial “Model a Crushed Can” Alex Telford November 11, 2011 NEXT 3D Character Rigging- The Hand ( Part 1-2) Dennis Jensen November 17, 2011 You might be interested in “Dr Julian’s Texturing Tutorial” by Julian Jeremy Johnson-Mortimer 3DM3 August 1, 2003 Modeling HTC Desire S in 3DsMax (Part 5/9) 3D-Sphere February 16, 2012 Particle Flow Toolbox #2 Concave Soft Bodies:Donuts Anselm von Seherr - Thoß July 15, 2011 Shields modeling in 3DsMax (Part 1/3) 3D-Sphere December 21, 2011