Making studio for car rendering
I decided to write how I make the scene for car rendering. Pay attention only to the light and the scene, car stands only for example.
Hi everybody! I decided to write how I make the scene for car rendering. Pay attention only to the light and the scene, car stands only for example
Finally the scence looks like that:
Scene preparing,objects, light and camera positioning.
First we need to draw the scene itself.Let’s open 3D Studio MAX and draw the line as on the screenshot:
Scientifically it is called a cycloram. It came from photography. This thing gives a smooth transition of colour on the background…a very useful
After the line is drawn we do the following:
Then we position our car.I placed it in such a way:
Direct the camera and light.Attention! The direction of light strongly influences the result, that is its good look. Try to keep these proportions, but innovations are welcome!
Touch up the foreshortening…
Now it’s time to set the light,I won’t speak much,everything is clear:
And now a small trick…I don’t know why VRay does not create “impressive” shadows if the surface which takes them is only one polygon thick. For this purpose we put a simple box right under the car and apply black material to it.
Press Render(F10), go to VRay settings. It’s all clear on this screenshot. The most important thing in these settings is antialiasing settings, the number of subdivs in the direct and in the irradiance, and also the colour of “the artificial sky” and it’s “brightness”.
The result is in the top of the article.
For more persuasive effect I RECOMMEND insistently to increase the sharpness of this picture,to slightly correct the scale and to add a little noisein Photoshop.
I think, the way it is done won’t rise questions… the main thing is SHARPNESS!!! Don’t forget about it…VRay sampler makes a rather vague picture, you can’t do without after-editing!