Why spend a bundle of money buying fur plug-ins to make grass, when you can make it yourself very easily in less than 20 minutes? You will now learn to composite 2d grass into a 3d scene, and make it look VERY believable. Every time I’ve used this technique, I’ve been asked which expensive plug-in […]
Hi there. This tutorial will show you how to cell-shade a car in Photoshop or in any other 2d painting program. The program you use will HAVE to have a layer option, so Window’s Paint wont work. First of all, find a picture of a car you would like to paint from the Internet or […]
This Noesis Interactive tutorial teaches the process of creating custom facial maps using Photoshop. Learn how to take a series of digital photos and edit them together so that they are ready to be mapped onto a 3D game model as a single texture. If you’ve ever wanted to see your own face inside a […]
This tutorial is actually a “making of” where I explain how I proceeded to achieve this matte painting. I use a Wacom Intuos² A4 board, if you don’t have any graphic board this is going to be hard but not impossible. At each step of the matte painting, useless to remind you to create a […]
This is a pretty long but informative tutorial video. I explain a lot of different terms related to Digital Painting as well as demonstrating them in their practical applications.