Creature Painting in Zbrush Josh Robinson 4 Videos TutorialsZBrush By Josh Robinson In this video I take a detailed approach and show you how you can use Polypaint to build up a more realistic skin texture and even imply translucency on your creatures skin. Show more Texturing PREV 3D Character Rigging – The Spine: Constraining(Part 3-4) Dennis Jensen September 26, 2011 NEXT 3D Character Rigging – The Spine: Constraining(Part 4-4) Dennis Jensen October 4, 2011 You might be interested in Making of Winter Blockade 3DM3 December 23, 2007 VIDEO: Introduction to the Maya 8 User Interface 3DM3 January 6, 2009 Sparks and Electric surge 3DS Max Pflow Boris Raguza September 22, 2012 Making of Liam Gallagher Caricature Alexander Novoseltsev October 31, 2012