Tutorials787 Videos

The Making of “The Steam Master”

Being a “making of”, this tutorial is intended for people with a prior understanding of the basic tools used for modeling and texturing. This is not a step by step walkthrough, but more of a project overview.

Clock tutorial by Oellas

Hi people, in this tutorial I will show you a few tips to create aclock in 3d max and render it with Fryrender. Then I will show you howto apply fry materials and how to make the light setup. Finally, I will show you how to work with the tone mapping and layer blending controls. […]

How to create a simple rubics cube

This modeling tutorial is very simple and should be easy to complete in a matter of just a few minutes. It should work with just about any version of max. If you quite dont understand this tutorial or if you want some more info on some other tutorials I’m writing, please email me. 1. Ok, […]

Modeling a head using Nurbs-Polygon technique by Sasan Rafiee

In this technique we first create a low detail head by nurbs patch modeling then convert it to a polygon object, then we add detail to it. The reason is that we have more control on the basic shape in Nurbs modeling and then we apply powerful tools in polygon modeling to add details. You […]

Instancing Tutorial In 3ds Max By Aziz Khan

Hello friends, in this tutorial I will show you how to instance one single object to hundreds in the scene by having just one single object in the scene, if notice sometime some people has done their models and they want to attach it into motion path or wants to have allot of the same […]