Photoshop170 Videos

2D Composite Grass

Why spend a bundle of money buying fur plug-ins to make grass, when you can make it yourself very easily in less than 20 minutes? You will now learn to composite 2d grass into a 3d scene, and make it look VERY believable. Every time I’ve used this technique, I’ve been asked which expensive plug-in […]

Matrix Word’s Effect By Rahul. K. V

What makes me Write this Tutorial? After reading my previous tutorial  many guys asked me how to get matrix word effect in posters. Though it is very easy. I decided to write one tutorial about stuff. This tutorial is is more better for learners. I hope everyone will enjoy this tutorial like I enjoyed creating […]

Photoshop Car Tutorial

This tutorial describes how to render this car. I use paths a lot. In this tutorial I also use layer masks and layer filter. The whole thing took about two hours to complete. Drawing out the paths is the most tedious part but once theyre layed out it all comes alive. 1. Path tool Start […]

Making of Leticia

At the request of a friend who was admiring my work in a social network, came the work of paint her daughters