Making of Nokia 6233

I created this image to see my “rendering abilities”, or how realistic my renders can be. :)

Making of Paragalis

Introduction: This tutorial will cover my personal workflow for 3d modeling, 3d sculpting, retopo / optimizing, UV’s, normal map generation, light map generation, and texturing. The Creature Summary: Paragalis is literally a walking parasite that’s approximately the size of a large dog from tentacle tip to tale. The creature is an ambush predator who catches […]

Making of Punk by Vikramvr

“Punk” is a character inspired from one of the models of The intention was to make a character aesthetically pleasing, stands out from the rest and has a unique design. After some research I found out that, there were not many models of punk type characters, so I decided to go in that direction. […]

Making of Quad bike by Ali Ismail

Introduction This will be a brief explanation about making of the quad bike, I like quads but you won’t exactly see me riding one (too scary for me ;) ) anyway it was needed for a small project for a presentation of a quad and motorcycles racing track, it needed to be animated as well. […]

Making of Red Hot Assassin

Hong Mei Li is a seductive lady with deadly skills. She can mask innocence at the same time secrecy. Clean-up after a kill is a painting done with Photoshop CS2.

Making of Resident Evil

I used Cinema 4D for model, Body Paint and Photoshop for texture, render whit advance render, post production in Photoshop.

Making of Rhodos

In this making of I will show you my way of working and I will tell you something about the progress and some techniques that I used for the image.

Making of Road Roller Car

Hello and welcome to the Making of my ROAD ROLLER CAR. Part 1 of the tutorial. First let me introduce my self,I am Fahid Mohammad and this is my first car modeling tutorial. The concept behind this is the name itself "ROAD ROLLER CAR". I tried my best to explain every step in developing this […]

Making of ruins by Lukasz Szeflinski

This time I wanted to concentrate on proper texturing and realism. It took me 5 months of my free time to create this scene. My main goal was to recreate the already existing environment in 3d as accurately as possible to achieve a high degree of realism, just like in the movie production. I knew […]

Making of Say Cheese

In this image, artist make the dirty flooded water bathroom and fish tries to survive there in between of leaked pipes.

Making of Sea Creature

This image was created specifically for the January 2008 Image Challenge over at the Gnomon Workshop. The theme was, unsurprisingly, “Sea Creature”.

Making of Sleeping Beauty

It was obvious that a female character was an ideal subject. I knew I wanted to create a girl with an imposing beauty.

Making of Spartan

I did this work to explain to you the use of Photoshop brushes and the software Poser for image manipulation. I referred to a wallpaper of the movie ‘300’. The first challenge I faced was to create a human figure which I did using Poser.

Making of Sprut

This is my new model, it had been long under the old concept. I have called this work sprut, although it is more similar to the scat) but decided to leave the name as stuck from the very beginning.

Making of Stand In

Hi friends, this is my first Project with a IIWW ( 2nd World War ) vehicle, we can tell it “tank”.

Making of Tallgate by Henry Pashkov

This tutorial devoted to making process of my artwork – “Tallgate” investigation and ideas that I used in this direction would probably be interesting to some of the readers and I dare to hope they would be as well useful. Flash size 8.5 MB Talk about this tutorial at the Forum >> 3DM3.comCopyright © Henry […]

Making of The Arrival

A couple of months ago, I read the famous comic novel “the top of the gods” by Jiro Tanigushi. I was so inpresssed by his drawings and the story about the first pilgrims in the Everest, I decided to create a picture about mountains.

Making of The Artist himself

So I try to reconstruct my old picture. To do that I used recent pictures of my face and later I changed geometry to make it similar to my self 6 years ago. Of course I had to upgrade my face to look, let’s say, better :)

Making of the Breakfast Wars

In this tutorial I will be showing the process and some techniques I generally use to create my artwork. Starting at how I approach sketching my initial designs, I will detail the steps I take that lead to the final rendering, I hope you can apply this method to a variety of your art projects […]

Making of The Chamber of Oceans

The scene from my imagination is based on objects that i own or could have owned. While the project was in my subconsciousness all of the time, your eyes wonder around and are looking for objects that would work in the scene.