This video from Andrew Klein ( covers duplicating using the duplicate special command, freezing and reseting transformations, and creating the slats for the seat of the chair.
This video from Andrew Klein ( covers creating the arms and legs of the chair, and using duplicate special to make symmetrical halves.
The Portal Cube or Weighted Companion from the Valve game Portal has become somewhat of an icon. This morning I modelled this in 3D Studio Max and recorded to show how it was done. This is a High-Poly model which demonstrates some basic to moderate modelling techniques and adding some textures. DOWNLOAD VIDEO FILE Talk […]
The screenrecording itself was done for Steve Gormley aka VJSteveG, who will be using the footage / timelapse in his work. The video you are seeing right now is more of a summary of a video tutorial that I am working on right now. There I will explain all the basic techniques used in the […]
Battle Droid by Fabio Pessaro, DCS Hallway by Ross Chriss, Lightsabers by Michael Hobson LightWave Lightsabers with a little help from Adobe After Effects! I get this one all the time, and it’s been something I’ve worked on for over a year with little success until now. The important thing to note is this: As of this […]
Introduction This tutorial is intended to show you how to make a Coca-Cola bottle using Maya. Although, you may think making a bottle is trivial, but it is easy to overlook some of the tiny details that make your final image more desirable to watch. I will also try to give you some tips, which […]
This video tutorial is dedicated to and Johanna Bak that requested this video. The video is showing one of many ways of making a straight forward umbrella, that can be tweeked as mutch as you want after the basemesh is done. Im realy bad with voice overs so this tutorial is also soundless, just […]
Introduction In this tutorial I will explane you how to make Old school rim. Step 1 First make the Polygon Cylinder. Step 2 Then delete top and bottom faces to look like this on picture. Step 3 Select all top edges end extrude with tool witch you can find in Edit mash – Extrude. Step […]
Introduction This is a first part of my next 3 up coming exclusive 3dm3 tutorials on how to create a fable 2 themed house. In this part, I will show how to model a house. then in part 2, I will show you how to set up UV’s and create a textures and in the […]
Introduction In this tutorial I will explane you how to make meat grinder. Step 1 First make the Polygon Cylinder. Step 2 Reduce Subdivision Axes from 20 to 10. Step 3 Rotate and Scale. Step 4 By holding shift on keyboard use “Cut Faces Toll” like on picture. Step 5 Buttom face extrude. Step 6 […]
In 2006, I was introduced to Mr. Peter Thompson, owner ofMeritus Racing by Paul McAusland of UrbanImaging. He had recommended my 3D visualservice to Mr. Thompson and from then on I was creating the visuals for MeritusRacing sponsorship campaign. The visuals I have created required photorealism anddelicate compositing of rendered image to the photography plate.To […]
In this tutorial, I will show you how to model a stool in 3ds max Step 1 – Max Setup In this tutorial, I’ll be using 3Dmax. So first thing would be open-ing your max program and on the menu choose Customize>Unit Setup>Metric>Meters. Step 2 On the Create Tab, choose Box and enter this amount […]
Over the week, I had a brain wave on modeling Nigerias National Theatre. And as the good Lord would have it, it came to pass on the 10th October, 2010 (10.10.10).
In this tutorial, I will show you how to place road on top of terrain, in way that road partially follows terrain, and in places where she’s not, there we will have slopes on terrain.