Chrome is one of the most used materials in the Design field. This material needs only a few settings to be rendered in an optimal way. You can see many samples of chrome in the design gallery of the Florence Design Academy Let’s begin: 1.) You need a dark gray diffuse color (for a perfect […]
This tutorial from the the Florence Design Academy, the best design school in Europe, will show you how to use the SPLINES effectively in the field of Interior/Furniture Design.
This is the first part of the video tutorials on how to model a bed in 3ds Max and Marvelous designer where if you follow this tutorial you can end up with a nicely detailed bed.
For this tutorial I assume you got a fair bit of brain and experience with 3D Studio MAX. Reset your scene and start by making a cone with radius1: 10, radius2: 150, Height: 800, Height segments: 80, Sides: 40 and mark the “Generate Mapping Coords” This will make the basic sharp of the smoke. It […]
This tutorial is dedicated to 3DM3 community. 1.Intro 2.Game modeling workflows 3.Tools used 4.Workflow used for Varga 5.Final model You could also check the first part of this tutorial : Varga hair tutorial (low poly game character hair) This is not a step by step tutorial. I will summarize the workflow i used for one […]
This tutorial is fundamentally based on how to import vector files from Adobe Illustrator into Autodesk 3ds Max for further modeling work to be done on it.
Hello and welcome every buddy to my (Reactor Motor) tutorial. Many of the people who asked me about reactor function in 3ds max and they asked me different kind of question about reactor in 3ds max and I tried to answer them, I realize that I should write some reactor tutorials for those who need […]
This soundless tutorial is created to show you a easy and straight forward way to model a bottle and putt it in to a HDRI scene in 3ds max 9. The tutorial will give you a view of a simple glass and liquid material using mental ray materials. also make notise of the diffrence between […]
This is a 7 minute video tutorial showing how to create an explosion in Fumefx, using an animated object as emiter, also shows all basic tips to get nice shader and fume sculpting.
The following tutorial assumes that the user has a basic knowledge of 3Ds Max when applying textures to the self-illumination toggle; applying the “UVW map” modifier and assigning material slots to objects/surfaces. When using a bitmap in the “VrayLightMtl” or mental ray “Self Illumination (Glow)” toggle, the texture display is often overridden by its default […]