Hey, lets make some cups to set on that table we modeled earlier. 1)Click on the Create Tab, then click on Geometry, then choose Cylinder. This will create a….cylinder. Give it the following values. 2) Convert your cylinder to Editable Poly by selecting it, right clicking, and going to Convert To, and select Editable Poly. […]
Overview You just finished your photo-realistic model of a car. You have asigned a blinn shader and you’ve cranked up reflectivity 100%. You’re all set in mental ray with raytracing. You hit render and your car looks matted, no reflections. (NOTE This is a beginner’s tutorial. Most average Maya users will have already learned to […]
QuickMax is a new series of simple 3dsmax tutorials that I created, which will feature all aspects of the program itself, including modeling, texturing, lighting, and animation. Welcome to section one, this will feature the 3dsmax Material Library. Section 1: Materials VRay Materials 2: How to make a nice VRay brushed chrome material (To complete […]
Introduction This tutorial will teach you to create 3d blue prints for vehicles and other miscellaneous objects for 3ds Max. Things you will need You need basic knowledge of 3ds max. Internet coverage of course: D Set up the blueprints for 3ds Max Load up your internet browser go to the address (www.the-blueprints.com) – you […]
In this video I’ll show you how to use 3D Studio Max to model the second of several ceiling fans. Reference: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61SzLvUIYdL._SL1500_.jpg Please remember to leave your comments and if you really need something answered send me an email at 3dtut@outlook.com. Also, giving me a thumbs up and subscribing shows you find my videos helpful. […]
How to begin creation of realistic model of movement of the automobile on turns, it is necessary to specify, how many the centres of rotation are involved at the moment of turn. In the normal machine, with one rudder and four wheels of them only three – one in the centre of the back bridge […]
The snatch of this car was and binding by chains, but Z4 can breaking this chain, so Z4 unleashed. Hello, my name is Mohamed Abuyhia from Alexandria Egypt. It is the first time for me in the cars modeling I was thought that it is complicated but after this try I found that it is […]