3DS Max233 Videos

Modeling of a wheels

Make a cylinder with the settings of picture 1 and picture 2 Then convert to an editable mesh by right clicking Select the outside polygons (squares) but missing one each time you should have 5 squares selected rotate with the tool at the bottom (see pic) Then scroll down the editable mesh menu and tyoe […]

Modeling of Schwerin Theater

I use Autodesk 3dsmax version 9 for modeling so run it. I will use default unit setup for this project because I want make it with my eyes so unit isn’t important.

Modeling of Shark

We look as to model this sweet shark. I got inspiration from Disney’s cartoon “Little Mermaid”. I idea was to create a shark that looks dangerous, but also has a cartoonesh look. It has small but compact body so even at first look you see that it’s strong.  and at the end it has to […]

Modelling of VAZ 21093 by Kazus

Hello everyone. Today I start newinteractive tutorial on 3DM3. It will be car-modelling tutorial. I choosed VAZ21093 car. Why? Because it is simple to do for begginers. Everybody can take part in this tutorial. Soon I will start modelling right now!!! First step. Setting up the scene for modeling. I had sliced blueprint in Photoshop. […]

Movement of the automobile on a line

How to begin creation of realistic model of movement of the automobile on turns, it is necessary to specify, how many the centres of rotation are involved at the moment of turn. In the normal machine, with one rudder and four wheels of them only three – one in the centre of the back bridge […]

Quad Sphere Tutorial

Introduction Hi everyboby, this is my first tutorial so don’t expect too much.During my modeling sessions with Max I’ve seen that there are two kinds of spheres: normal (made with triangles and quads) and geosphere (made only with triangles). So I’ve started wondering how to make a sphere made just with quads. This is the […]