Photoshop170 Videos

Making of “Voodoo Doll” (part 3/6)

During this part we will explore and discuss reflective light, the 2nd key light and specular light pass and what to consider when rendering different specific materials like plastic, fabric or metal.

Making of “Voodoo Doll” (part 5/6)

Part 5 of this tutorial will explore adding a quick shadow pass to help enhance certain forms, and will continue adding details. While watching this process we will discuss the emotional side of art, tackling subjects like quality and efficiency in hopes to offer definitive ways that you can help greatly improve the quality and […]

Making of Tallgate by Henry Pashkov

This tutorial devoted to making process of my artwork – “Tallgate” investigation and ideas that I used in this direction would probably be interesting to some of the readers and I dare to hope they would be as well useful. Flash size 8.5 MB Talk about this tutorial at the Forum >> 3DM3.comCopyright © Henry […]

Making of Winter Blockade

It is always tricky task for me because usually I don’t printscreen or record my process, except situations when client ask for that from start like ImagineFX or CGSociety challenges.

Making of “One Eyed Monster Thing”

This digital painting tutorial takes us back into the realms of strange retro sci fi futurism where we’ll make a weird one eyed monster! Digital Painting Tutorial – Overview… So I think after the last digital painting tutorial I’m going to follow suit and have all my progress shots compiled into an animated gif but […]

Making of “Voodoo Doll” (part 4/6)

Throughout this tutorial we will discuss and explore the subject of subsurface scattering, the application and manipulation of photographic textures and will further discuss how to achieve believability in a piece of artwork.