Making of’s233 Videos

Making of Trapped

What I would like to do is to pick the animals and their characteristics that more fascinate me. During a recent travel I have taken a photo at the Bird Park of Kuala Lumpur. Immediately I’ve been captured by the expression of this parrot.

Making of Gypsy Dancer Part 1

Sketching a character – Gypsy Dancer. Part 1 of 2. With commentary but you probably best just turn down the volume and put on some tunes. Actual Time: 2 Hours

The Making of Warrior

This project started as a personal challenge, I wanted to apply everything that I learned throughout this year in a single work.

Making of “Die Die Plush”

Hi to all friends from I decided to make making of for you friends and fans. Hope this will be useful for some of you or,a bit interesting.

Making of Cargo

I imagined a large air vehicle and huge cargo ship for this scene. Since the air vehicle has a great volume and carrying capacity, I draw the loading doors markedly large.

Making of Varga by Paul Tosca

This tutorial is dedicated to 3DM3 community. 1.Intro 2.Game modeling workflows 3.Tools used 4.Workflow used for Varga 5.Final model You could also check the first part of this tutorial : Varga hair tutorial (low poly game character hair) This is not a step by step tutorial. I will summarize the workflow i used for one […]

The Making of Diet Pepsi

The following paper provides a brief, detailed description of some of the technical aspects involved in producing the “Diet Pepsi After Hours” spot. A general/advanced knowledge of computer graphics and animation is recommended.

Making of Total Kitchen

I have been taken a lot of time for this design, after that long time also for making a library for taking out the Total kitchen.

Making of Geisha Bot

I wanted to create a fem-bot (or is it femme-bot?) and this time a geisha bot, inspired by the mysterious geisha women of Japanese tradition. So I went on the internet and got me some reference images as initial inspiration.

Making of Leticia

At the request of a friend who was admiring my work in a social network, came the work of paint her daughters

The Making of Lamborghini Gallerdo

This image was created for a personal project to brush up on my high-end skills, having only been working on lower poly game art for the past few years. The mesh is approximately 1.5 million polygons and Brazil r/s was used to render out the model.

Making of Tiger Zoo

Using a simple polygon plane and extruding it according to the global shape, I created the head first than moved to the rest of the body leaving holes when the legs where to be connected.