Hello Everyone, In this video we’ll take a look at how to model a Christmas tree in Houdini. This is a two part lesson. This part will cover the stems and the leaves and also how to render the tree. regards Rohan
In today’s Cinema 4D Tutorial, learn how to create unique geometry with X-particles and the XP Skinner. ****Buy X-Particles from the Greyscalegorilla Store and get 30 free scene files to get you started using X-Particles instantly.
This video is about creating a camera projection (camera map per pixel) for an animation with pointing photo realism and maintaining rendering speed with Mental Ray in 3dsmax..Video has no sound but I believe everything is clear without the sound. 30 minutes 106 mb quicktime. Exclusive for 3dm3.com Exlusive for 3DM3.com and CGFlame.net Talk about […]
Hi everyone. This is part 1 of my tutorial series on how to model a ford focus WRX. In this part you will learn how to properly set up the image planes. Now you might think that we should get straight into modeling but reference images are very important and this is just a good […]
This is my 2nd 3dsmax tutorial, and this one should also be quite easy once you get the hang of it (hopefully very quickly.) This tutorial is about how to create some really cool logos, tribal symbols, and other cool signs and such with 3dsmax. (Some content shown in this tutorial may also have included […]
Introduction Hi everyboby, this is my first tutorial so don’t expect too much.During my modeling sessions with Max I’ve seen that there are two kinds of spheres: normal (made with triangles and quads) and geosphere (made only with triangles). So I’ve started wondering how to make a sphere made just with quads. This is the […]
This is a step-by-steptutorial that explanehow to create 350Z’s body using polygonal modeling in Maya environment,but you can apply this technique to other poly-modeling software. Step 1 This is my screen-shot after I have correctly placed my blueprints. Step 2 To start with, we’ll concentrate on the front part of the car. I’ve divided it […]
I use Autodesk 3dsmax version 9 for modeling so run it. I will use default unit setup for this project because I want make it with my eyes so unit isn’t important.
Why spend a bundle of money buying fur plug-ins to make grass, when you can make it yourself very easily in less than 20 minutes? You will now learn to composite 2d grass into a 3d scene, and make it look VERY believable. Every time I’ve used this technique, I’ve been asked which expensive plug-in […]
In this tutorial, I will show you how to model a stool in 3ds max Step 1 – Max Setup In this tutorial, I’ll be using 3Dmax. So first thing would be open-ing your max program and on the menu choose Customize>Unit Setup>Metric>Meters. Step 2 On the Create Tab, choose Box and enter this amount […]
Being a “making of”, this tutorial is intended for people with a prior understanding of the basic tools used for modeling and texturing. This is not a step by step walkthrough, but more of a project overview.