ZBrush51 Videos

Creating Blendshapes in Zbrush

This video from Zbrush and Maya Certified Instructor Andrew Klein (www.kleinmakelearngood.com) covers how to make both symmetrical and asymmetrical blendshapes in Zbrush.

Making of “Green-eyed foreign woman”

It was an absolutely usual evening. I was drinking tea and watching some 2d and 3d art galleries. Suddenly I saw something special, Bao Pham’s green art of girl, who has incredible gaze. Everything was saturated with harmony and serenity. So I angry and said “Why it’s so beautiful?!” Then I left my tea, opened […]

Making of Alien

In the process of Alien creation I would be able to experiment and explore a little more of the possibilities of ZSketch tools

Making of Tidus

This tutorial is best suited for those who like to see a rough model from the start and then refine into detail as you go.