Modeling a Cup and Assigning a Material

Hey, lets make some cups to set on that table we modeled earlier. 1)Click on the Create Tab, then click on Geometry, then choose Cylinder. This will create a….cylinder. Give it the following values. 2) Convert your cylinder to Editable Poly by selecting it, right clicking, and going to Convert To, and select Editable Poly. […]

Modeling a Stool in 3DS MAX

In this tutorial, I will show you how to model a stool in 3ds max Step 1 – Max Setup In this tutorial, I’ll be using 3Dmax. So first thing would be open-ing your max program and on the menu choose Customize>Unit Setup>Metric>Meters. Step 2 On the Create Tab, choose Box and enter this amount […]

3D Modeling Tutorial #86 – Modeling Ceiling Fan #2 – Part 2

In this video I’ll show you how to use 3D Studio Max to model the second of several ceiling fans. Reference: Please remember to leave your comments and if you really need something answered send me an email at Also, giving me a thumbs up and subscribing shows you find my videos helpful. […]


This tutorial is complex from the point of view of modeling, because the user will pass thorough different techniques like surface tools(spline modeling), mesh edit (polygonal modeling), mesh smooth. This tutorial is not recommended to beginners, although they will learn some useful tricks from here. The tutorial is entirely conceived in 3D Studio Max 3.0 […]

VIDEO TUTORIAL: Modeling of Portal Cube

The Portal Cube or Weighted Companion from the Valve game Portal has become somewhat of an icon. This morning I modelled this in 3D Studio Max and recorded to show how it was done. This is a High-Poly model which demonstrates some basic to moderate modelling techniques and adding some textures. DOWNLOAD VIDEO FILE Talk […]