I was angry to sculp that fantastic creature. That was my first goal, to frame that wonded monster in mesh. I got started with a simple piece of geometry, and gradually building up volume and form.
My name is Zhang Sheng. ‘meet you’ is my latest works. I Am glad there is a lot of friends like it. Would also like to thank the 3dm3.com assist, so that I can share the production process.
Part 5 of this tutorial will explore adding a quick shadow pass to help enhance certain forms, and will continue adding details. While watching this process we will discuss the emotional side of art, tackling subjects like quality and efficiency in hopes to offer definitive ways that you can help greatly improve the quality and […]
The Hunter model has been made for the Hellgate London cinematic , made by Blur Studio.Later on I decided to make an illustration for my own fun, using some additional models I did previously. Hellgate London is developed by Flagship Studio.
Hello viewer My name is Gourav Sharma .3D Asian girl is my 1st attempt to make a realistic looking 3d girl! software i used -3ds max 2008 and photoshop cs3
The work consists of an old office room in good condition, still in use even now. I started this work wanting to create a silent story, so I made the components of the room appear to be speaking for themselves.
This tutorial will covers the major points of producing this image, starting with the planning and covering the modeling, texturing, rendering, lighting and compossiting.
In this tutorial I will be showing the process and some techniques I generally use to create my artwork. Starting at how I approach sketching my initial designs, I will detail the steps I take that lead to the final rendering, I hope you can apply this method to a variety of your art projects […]
So you’re ready to redecorate and redesign your bathroom. But dropping $20,000 on a deluxe spa retreat is light years away from what you can afford to spend. Here’s the good news: You don’t need mega-bucks to transform your bathroom into a relaxing, cool space. There are plenty of ways to renovate and redesign on a […]