Beginners38 Videos

Creating a Victorian House Part 1: Modeling (Fable 2 Theme)

Introduction This is a first part of my next 3 up coming exclusive 3dm3 tutorials on how to create a fable 2 themed house. In this part, I will show how to model a house. then in part 2, I will show you how to set up UV’s and create a textures and in the […]

Setup Blueprints in 3DS MAX

Introduction This tutorial will teach you to create 3d blue prints for vehicles and other miscellaneous objects for 3ds Max. Things you will need You need basic knowledge of 3ds max. Internet coverage of course: D Set up the blueprints for 3ds Max Load up your internet browser go to the address ( – you […]

VIDEO: Ceiling in 3DS MAX

It’s a tutorial about making a ceiling you see in cathedrals. Download this tutorial in HQ, click here. Download video file Talk about this tutorial at the Forum >> 3DM3.comCopyright © MartijnEdit by StrykerSource:

Indoor Lightning With Mental Ray

Step 1: Setting up the scene Ok, first of all create a cube and convert it into and Editable Poly, then inset one side into a small box and delete it. Then add a shell modifier with "outer amount" equal to 5. Then inside of the box, make a small teapot…just as an example Step […]

Modeling a Soda Can

1) Open up 3ds Max. Go to the Create tab, click on Shapes, and then select Line. This will allow us to draw an outline of the soda can. 2) Go into the Front viewport and draw the outline like you see below. Make sure you don’t connect the first and last vertex. 3) When […]

Modeling a Chair

Hey, another simple model. Why not make a chair to accompany your table? 1) First of all, make a box that is 35 by 30 by 2 units. And make sure that the length, width, and height segments are 1. 2) Select the box, right click it, go to Convert To, and select Editable Poly. […]

Instancing Tutorial In 3ds Max By Aziz Khan

Hello friends, in this tutorial I will show you how to instance one single object to hundreds in the scene by having just one single object in the scene, if notice sometime some people has done their models and they want to attach it into motion path or wants to have allot of the same […]

Modeling a Stool in 3DS MAX

In this tutorial, I will show you how to model a stool in 3ds max Step 1 – Max Setup In this tutorial, I’ll be using 3Dmax. So first thing would be open-ing your max program and on the menu choose Customize>Unit Setup>Metric>Meters. Step 2 On the Create Tab, choose Box and enter this amount […]

How to make VRay chrome material

QuickMax is a new series of simple 3dsmax tutorials that I created, which will feature all aspects of the program itself, including modeling, texturing, lighting, and animation. Welcome to section one, this will feature the 3dsmax Material Library. Section 1: Materials VRay Materials 2: How to make a nice VRay brushed chrome material (To complete […]

Make 3D Object with Shapes

Chapter 1: Lathe ModifierGreat For amateurs You Need: 3dsmax Windows Knowledge; Work with Shapes Knowledge In this lesson you will learn how make 3d objects with simple shapes. In 3dsmax, these modifiers will convert 2D lines to 3D object: Lathe Extrude Bevel Loft Surface …… You will learn to work with all of these modifiers […]

How to create a swimming pool model with 3ds max

Welcome to my new tutorial. I will show you how to design a swimming pool using splines within 3ds max, but the methods used in this tutorial can be applied to any 3d modeling package that features spline and poly modeling tools. This tutorial is pretty straight forward and is designed for beginners and experienced […]

Studio Lighting Tutorial

In this tutorial, I will show you how to setup a studio lighting rig that I use mainly for vehicle rendering. Basic to intermediate knowledge of 3DS Max is needed for this tutorial. I will be using 3DS MAX 9 for this tutorial, if you have a different version, your button configuration may be a […]

Making of Chrome Material by Florence Design Academy

Chrome is one of the most used materials in the Design field. This material needs only a few settings to be rendered in an optimal way. You can see many samples of chrome in the design gallery of the Florence Design Academy Let’s begin: 1.) You need a dark gray diffuse color (for a perfect […]

Leather material in 3D Studio Max

Leather is one of the most used materials in the field of Furniture design. Especially for design of sofas or couches. It is quite easy to obtain a good leather material. The leather material quality strongly depends on the illumination in your scene. Before you start to create the leather in the material editor you […]

Modeling a Table

A table is super simple to model, it consists of just one modified box for the top, and four boxes for the legs. Let’s get started. 1) Create a box that is 50 by 80 by 1 units. And make sure it has only 1 length, width, and height segments. Make sure everything is exactly […]

Modeling a Cup and Assigning a Material

Hey, lets make some cups to set on that table we modeled earlier. 1)Click on the Create Tab, then click on Geometry, then choose Cylinder. This will create a….cylinder. Give it the following values. 2) Convert your cylinder to Editable Poly by selecting it, right clicking, and going to Convert To, and select Editable Poly. […]

VIDEO: Modifier substitute

A basic 3dsmax tutorial about the substitute modifier. Format: *.wmv Time: 0:03:44 Quality: High Size: 4 MB Talk about this tutorial at the Forum >> 3DM3.comCopyright © Martijn EmmerzaalEdit by StrykerSource:

VIDEO TUTORIAL: 3ds max Trick

In this video tutorial I show you a nice trick if you modeling a head or something like that. With this little trick, it helps you by modeling your mesh. Download video file Talk about this tutorial at the Forum >> 3DM3.comCopyright © martijn emmerzaalEdit by StrykerSource:

VIDEO: Modeling of Tennis Ball in 3DS MAX

Simple Modeling of Tennis Ball by Khuram Shahzad. Download video file Talk about this tutorial at the Forum >> 3DM3.comCopyright © Khuram ShahzadEdit by StrykerSource: